Wednesday, April 29, 2009

2nd anniversary celebration @ The Cliff...

The Cliff is a pretty romantic place but service so-so.. Why do I say so? baby made a reservation but they screwed it up! So end up we waited for awhile before we got our seat... Other than that, service was pretty good...

There was a special chef that evening, and it was Spanish night... Hmmz.. Never tried Spanish fine dining before... We order the 11 courses to share... Serving is pretty small (fine dining mahz...) but we were quite full..

Don't remember the name of the dishes but these are what we had...

We left the place at about 12 plus...

This is what I have bought and prepared for baby...

LV Damier Graphite key pouch. My friend helped me to buy from Paris...

Some message in a bottle thingy I DIYed... Kind of fail of I didn't expect the contained to be so big and I didn't prepare enough small bottles or messages..

A small little card which I thought the wordings are very meaning...

Although baby has already given me my anniversary pressie, which is the LV Roxbury, I still receives more pressies!!

2 bouquet of flowers... Roses and Phoeny...

A Goldheart Celestial ring...

Baby actually asked what do I prefer... A normal brand but good specs or a branded one with a lower specs... As I have predicted, the normal brand with good specs is Celestial and the branded one with lower specs is Tiffany & Co... I always wanted a T&Co but I guess when it comes to real life, I decided to choose specs.. So, there goes my dream T&Co solitair... But still, I love my Celestial!
It's a 0.53 D colour, VS1, Round Brilliant Cut...

We spent the night at the Sentosa Spa and Resort, previously called Beaufort Hotel.. Not very big but still clean and comfy... And the next day was fun under the sun, on the sand and under the sea!!!

We visited Underwater world, Dolphin Lagoon and Song of the Sea...

Good Friday long weekend... (Part 2)

We went up on a Thursday night and only stayed Malacca for 1 day. We started driving up to KL on Friday night while Yihan, Jo and her colleagues came back to SG on the Saturday.

Stayed a Crown Regency apartment.. It was very nice and cozy!!! Next morning was a tiring 1... We drove for 1 hours plus to the car workshops... Basically we were walking around checking for price and what they have to offer... We saw many modified Skyline.

Didn't buy anything except for this small little item for Vinson..

Cute right?? Bad Badtz Maru for a matte grey fierce Subaru... Haha!! We also bought an oil catch tank for Stephen as his birthday pressie...

At night, went Petaling street to walk walk.. Actually nothing for me to buy because they sell all fake stuff!!! Anyway, the aim to go there is for the guys to stock up their Polo tees... Baby's shopping spree!!! He bought 8 polo tees!!!

I also bought 2 tops because I did not prepare any clothes for the next day...

Last day of our trip, Vinson brought us to eat the famous Ampang niang tou fu...

Nothing much for me to eat coz I don't eat tofu so I end up eating more of the fried stuff.

Driving back SG from KL was terrible!!! A long 5-6hours drive including dinner time... Not because they are slow drivers but because of the heavy rain and traffic accidents... We had A&W!!! Really miss the old days... Curly fries is so yummy!!!

The ever-famous A&W root beer float!!!

Chicken for baby...

Coney hotdog for myself...

That's what we call CURLY FRIES!!! yummy!!!

It was a tiring trip because of all the long drives and bad weather... Fell sick after back from trip...

Although I am on a ban, I still get pressies ok??

Body shop travel set from Jo.. She spent so much that the SA gave her 2 sets so she gave me 1...

LTS paper clip!! Cute right?? I love LTS but haven't been buying their new stuff coz broke and on a ban... Sigh.. Thanks Jo!!

HP Charm from Ian... So sweet of him... Don't know why he buy me also.. Whahahah!! It the wrong horoscope but who cares?? It's the thought that counts!!! Thanks Ian...

Good Friday long weekend... (Part 1)

Went up to Malacca and KL for the long weekend... It was a big group... 4 cars... Jo, Yihan, Ian, Stephen, Vinson and Jo's colleagues... Not much of a shopping trip coz I am on a serious shopping ban..

However, travel must buy some thing back right? Haha!!

1st stop, Jo brought us to buy the dried food.. She was buying for her 2 families and Raj's mum and also helping Tong as well.. Jo's colleagues were not so into all these so end up only Jo, Ian and myself bought them back for family...

Dried shrimps

Dried ikan bilis

Dried silver fish

Dried cuttlefish



Very auntie right?? Haha!!! Vinson even gave us a nickname in Cantonese... Xian yu jie mei... Translate to Cantones bah!

After the groceries shopping, Jo brought us to a very interesting place for early dinner... It's like steamboat but not exactly steamboat coz there is no soup inside!! Instead, it was satay sauce!!! Think they call it Lok-Lok...

Apparently, this shop is very famous... We were there slight before 5 and we were the 1st customers.. The shop starts business at 5pm.. Within 15mins, the whole shop was full! We spent about an hour eating... Look at how much we ate!! 6 of us, 186sticks!!! Power right? Haha!!

Look at the queue!!!

Queue already started at about 5:15pm and when we left at about 6 plus, the queue is still soooooo LONG! I don't think I will wanna wait if I were them.. Haha!!!

After dinner, we went back apartment to rest before on our night programme... We went down to Jonker Walk. Nothing much to buy but still bought some stuff back home...

The famous pineapple tarts... Actually I find it quite dry.. Hehe!!

Tan wen bing aka Tau Sa Pia

Lao Po and Lao Gong bing for my youngest bro...

Pork floss crackers

A new alarm clock... (but it's not exactly helping me much.. Whahahah!! I am a PIG!!)

7 colours crystals... Don't know real or not...

Musical Stitch for Huixian as her birthday pressie...

Colourful paper clips for colleagues

*Stay tuned for part 2*

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Shopping for meaning in life???

Like most girls, I love shopping!!! Especially when it comes to bags... I have a weakness for beautiful bags... I love pretty shoes too, those at least 3 inches high heels or boots but there's some shoes I will always get blisters after wearing it even when the shoes are seasoned... Haven't been buying shoes lately because seeing the stack on shoe boxes at home and the rate I am changing shoes, I decided to stop buying shoes. I have so many pairs of shoes and boots which I hardly wear... No chance to wear... Sigh...

Wearing clothes is purely on mood... I hardly buy clothes because I realised the type of clothes I like and fits me is very limited... Buying cosmetics and facial products is when I need them... Unlike most girls, I do not stock up a lot of different types of cosmetics. Maybe it's because I seldom make up now...

Right now, I wish there is a shopping mall which I can shop for meaning in life... Or maybe an aim in life... After living for more than 26 years, till now, I have no idea what I really want in life... I pass through everyday thinking about the same question but having the same routine day after day... And I hate it!!!

I wish for something more fun, interesting and challenging and most importantly, motivation and simple-minded... I am the type who will be killed in a world of politics. I often wonder to myself, why am I working so miserably and having no directions in life?? And I always come to the same conclusion... I work because of money... Money to pay my debts and help out in family... But I do not earn a lot too!!! After paying off everything, I hardly have any money left... So how do I managed to own those expensive bags?? Some are from my bf, and others, I save up for them...

I really hope for somewhere or something which gives me the motivation and push in life but have yet to find anything... Going to work everyday gives no meaning in life... I am like being forced to do everything I am doing now, work and others... How come some people seems to enjoy their life so much when I feel like I am suffering as the day passes?? What is it that I lack??? What is it that give them the energy that seems to be never-ending??

Am I in the right place now?? Where can I go to shop for in order to get the motivation, drive, meaning, aim in life???

Saturday, April 4, 2009

omg... omg... OMG!!!

I can't believe it!!! My dear baby really give me a surprise for advance anniversary present!!! Initially he wanted to give it to me on the actual day but it will be 3 weeks away... So, he thought might as well give me now and I have chance to change if I didn't like it...

LV Vernis Roxbury in Amarante!!!

How can I not love this??!!!! I was deciding between this and the Damier Eva when we were in the boutique choosing my Valentines' Day pressie but chose the Eva instead coz it is cheaper... I really like this bag but I am just worried that the leather will get seasoned and the colour will become tanned... This is the main reason why I did not choose this for my Valentines' Day pressie...

Anyway, now baby bought me this, I shall take good care of it... Just like my miu miu... Will need extra more TLC for these 2.. Of coz, I will also take good care of all my babies... Hehez!!!

Thank you baby for giving me a nice surprise for our 2nd anniversary... For you, I have plans but it might be delayed... So I guess I need to use my backup plan now and hope to accomplish my actual plan soon...

I would also like to thank Serena... For confirming the bag with my baby... He actually called her to check if this is one of the LV bags and the correct name I was deciding to buy earlier!! Serena, thank you very much!! You have really helped Daniel a lot... You guys are partners in crime!! Haha!!


Dinner @ Yum Cha

This would be totally off topic but I must really share this... Coz I am shocked with myself!!!

Met up with Serena last weekend for dinner at Yum Cha... And guess what we ate...

Lobster with Fruits in Thousand Island Sauce

Lobster with Shredded Golden Oats

Cheese baked Lobster Chinese Style (Not nice, can't taste the cheese)

Seafood Fried Rice with Silver Fish

Stir Fried Spinach

Duck meat (This is from the half duck after skin removed for Peking Duck)

Crystal Peking Duck

Fresh Prawn Rice Flour Roll (Chee Cheong Fan with Prawns)

YumCha Prawn Dumpling x 2 baskets

Siew Mai with Fish Roe x 2 baskets

Steamed Xiao Long Bao x 2 baskets

Crystal Chives Dumpling

Sesame Prawn and Mango Roll

Scary right?? So many dishes for 3 people, 2 gals and 1 guy!!! And that's not all!! I realised I forgot to take photo for 2 other items we ordered as well... 2 basket of Steamed Pork Ribs with Bean Sauce and a basket of Steamed Chicken Claw... Think either one or all of us must be VERY hungry... Haha!!