SANRIO!!! Finally went to buy my 2010 organizer... Hehez!! I prefer smaller ones so I can fit into my bags easier... Also bought a Charmmy Kitty organizer for Jo's birthday pressie and 2 LTS photo albums... I have been trying to get them since god knows when! Saw 1 previously but the condition was so bad! Finally saw these 2 and decided to buy it but I wonder what am I gonna do with it since my photos are all stored in my lappy!!!
My new make up!!! Haven't bought any make up for a while as I don't use them often now... But still, I think I need them for the new year!! Whahahahah!!!
New clothes!! Clothes that could hide all fats!!!
What a lazy way to lose weight... That's what my bro said. I have to agree... I am lazy but I desperately needs to shed some fats off! Have been gaining weight but no ides why when I haven't been eating much!!
Oh ya, another reason for such lazy method is because I am allergy to perspiration! I get rashes when I perspire... And with my current skin condition, I am not willing to take any chance!
Actually, also bought a uSqueeze for baby's mum's birthday pressie... Share by us, baby's sis and her boyfriend... Not cheap ok??!!!